Payment Reconciliation

Data preparation

Every POS, 3rd party deliveries, 3rd party payment partners and bank have different approaches of making the data available. The format and the way to download the data are different. The frequency of changes to format can change every few weeks to months and how data are captured for different engagement continuously evolve as merchants pick up new engagement they have not done before or new engagement are introduce by the platforms.

You should know!

We take on that responsibilities centrally for all our customers so that you do not need to worry or spend time on it. Leveraging the economies of scale you get the up to date changes we implement for all our customers.

Matching data from different systems will require mapping to be maintained for outlet name, device id to payment method. We provide a central place for you to maintain the mapping.

As we work with more customers and more payment methods you will also gain access to new capabilities we built out for different POS and new payment methods.

Importance, Challenges and Best Practices


The data and reports are required for multiple reasons

  • Submission of GST
  • Perform Reconciliation
  • Generate Accounting Entries
  • Manage Disputes
  • Monitor and Track Performance
  • Audit


  • Multiple payment channels and partners
  • High volume of transactions
  • Time consuming to download data
  • Multiple accounts for individual platforms and banks

Best Practices

  • Implement automated data download or retrieval tools where possible
  • Centralised all logic for preparing and formatting data
  • Move away from error prone spreadsheets formatting logic
  • Remove key man risk of maintaining spreadsheets so that SOP
  • Central mapping logic
  • Regularly review and update data scenarios and formatting logic

Data Collection

Direct connectivity is typically available for POS however they are largely not available for settlement reports and banks. As part of the ingestion of data, we will also perform the necessary logic to allocate the fees and classify it accordinlgy.

API and Database (Direct connectivity)

Certain platform provide the ability for us to connect via API or database. For eg. Revel or Koomi This allow for zero manual intervention from users to download the data and the data can be automatically sync into our platform on a daily basis.

Pre-built Report Reader

For platform with no direct connectivity we will typically identify reports that are available to use for the purpose of reconciliation. Reports are typically available as most customers would have to reconcile one way or another with reports provided. The objective of the pre-built report reader is to not require additional formatting from our users so as to save time and reduce errors.

There are multiple ways for consuming data

  • Robo downloaders: These are proprietary RPA robots built by us on our platform for automatically downloading data from various platforms. This form of data consumption do not require any user intervention.
  • FTP server: This provide a mechanism for POS or other platforms to send reports via FTP to us so that no user intervention is required.
  • Email: User can setup scheduled email with reports attached to a customer specific email we create on our end. There is no user intervention required.
  • VAL drive: User can download the files from the corresponding platform and drop the file into VAL drive with no pre-formatting required. Require users to download the reports.


In some scenarios, there are no reports available. The only data available is printed out from the closing of the POS or some other manual captures for vouchers etc. In such circumstances we provide a form for users to key in the data directly into our platform.

Data Mapping

Given the data is captured in a variety of platforms and customers maintain different naming conventions for the payment methods, we provide a mechanism for users to maintain the mapping directly in our platform. We will always do the first cut of the mapping based on our experience of the industry and guide users for subsequent maintenance.


Outlet names are typically maintain with different value in POS vs 3rd party deliveries, payment partners and bank.


This is used when identification of outlet is not via outlet name but a device or machine id.

Payment Method

This is used to identify how to identify the partners based on payment method value as well as thru our experience with bank statements we will provide how banks typically identify the different payment vendors.


Below provide details on how data is collected:

NameData Collection TypeReport
RaptorFTPOrder Payment Transaction
iMakanVAL drive
EpointVAL drive
GetzVAL drive
MegaPosVAL drive
ViviPos aka AzdigitalVAL drive

3rd Party Delivery Partners

Below provide details on how data is collected:

NameData Collection TypeReport
GrabfoodRobo downloaderTransaction Details
Food PandaRobo downloaderOrder Summary, Payment Advice
DeliverooRobo downloaderStatements
OddleVAL drive

3rd Party Payment Partners

Below provide details on how data is collected:

NameData Collection TypeReport
Shopee PayVAL drive
Fave PayVAL drive
Grab PayVAL drive
Shopback PayVAL drive
Shopback VoucherVAL drive
NetsVAL drive
AmexVAL drive
DBS Credit Card CenterVAL drive
UOB Credit Card CenterVAL drive
OCBC Credit Card CenterVAL drive


Below provide details on how data is collected:

NameData Collection TypeReport
DBSVAL drive
UOBVAL drive
MaybankVAL drive
Understanding payment reconciliation